Even as the war continues, we have been busy continuing our dedicated work with the needy and infirm. For example, we recently acquired a special hospital bed for a destitute woman following an operation on her legs and a scooter for a handicapped lady that enabled her to live her life afresh. Furthermore, we enabled one of our "clients" to undergo a series of therapy sessions that restored his self-esteem and reduced his anxiety attacks and paranoia.
More Recently
More recently, thanks to the generosity of our donors, we enabled a severely disabled woman and her family with special needs children to move to a ground floor apartment - a life-changing project. We are currently assisting a long-time drug addict in recovery to join a therapeutic "detox" community which will enable him to return to a "normal" and productive lifestyle. Another project sees us enabling an elderly man living at a subsistence level to undergo major dental treatment.
Never a Dull Moment
Yesh Ezra works behind the scenes, day in and day out, assisting people who don't have the means materially and psychologically to work things out for themselves. We aim to put these people "back on their feet" and to give them tools to take care of themselves, wherever possible.
Mazal Tov to Two Bar Mitzva Boys
With help from generous supporters, we are currently sponsoring the Bar Mitzva preparations and ceremonies of two boys whose families are under stress. Each of the boys received a mentor to help them learn their Parsha and cope with personal issues as they enter adulthood. Mazal Tov!
How You Can Help
Every contribution, however large or small, is dedicated to changing people's lives for the better. We are planning - with Hashem's help and your generosity - to hire a Big Brother-Social Worker to take our efforts to a higher place of
Greater professionalism
Increased quality of service
More personal attention to clients
Further cooperation with similar providers.
This "Big Brother" will deepen connections with our clients, local authorities, volunteers, and like-minded organizations dedicated to helping the needy and distressed who are so often neglected in our society
Please consider making this dream happen.
With best wishes and prayers for a peaceful resolution of the war and return of our hostages,
Menachem Persoff.
Please open your hearts and support our mission to restore dignity and self-sufficiency to those in need, especially in these difficult times.